
How Europe Supports Reforms in Ukraine

Discussion organised by ECFR Sofia
7 November 2016 at the House of Europe.

Europe and its member states have made mistakes in strategy and implementation in their support for Ukraine. They have put a lot of energy into the Minsk process, which is at a dead end, and at the same time, they have failed to support the independence of the judiciary. Development aid is poorly coordinated and monitored, primarily focusing on Kyiv at the expense of the countryside. The European support effort is further undermined by a lack of cohesion among member states, with many prioritising relations with Russia over support for Ukraine.

The recent ECFR publication 'Keeping up Appearances: How Europe is Supporting Change in Ukraine' argues that while Ukraine bears primary responsibility for the reform process, Europe also bears some responsibility for its weaknesses.

How is Europe involved in Ukraine's reform process and what are the deficits behind the support efforts?

Welcome address by Gemma Grozdanova, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly
Special guest: Boris Tarasyuk, Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Gustav Gressel, Senior Analyst, Europe and its Neighbours Programme, EUHR
Moderated by Vesela Tcherneva, Chief Programmes Officer and Director of ECHR Sofia.

The event will provide simultaneous English translation.

ECFR Sofia
2016-11-07 13:36