What Will Happen with National Sovereignty when Joining the European Union?
What Will Happen with the National Sovereignty when Bulgaria Joins the European Union? (From nation-state toward post-nation state) A public lecture, followed by a discussion, by Antoinette Primatarova, a program director with the Center for Liberal Strategies, former Ambassador of Republic of Bulgaria and head of the Bulgarian Mission to European Community in Brussels (1999 – 2001), former deputy chief for the negotiations between Bulgaria and the EU (2000-2001). The Poject “Jour Fixe: THE DAY OF EUROPE” is financed by the informational and communicational Program of the Delegation of European Commission in Bulgaria, supported by “Span Consultants” on the PHARE based project. Venue: The Red House - Centre for Culture and Debate, 15, Ljuben Karavelov St.