
Europe after Brexit

The Centre for Culture and Debate, “The Red House” and the French Institute of Bulgaria collaborating with the Centre for Liberal Strategies present:

Europe After Brexit Debate

Two weeks after the Referendum in the United Kingdom about the country’s membership of the European Union (EU) and the shock of the results, is an unavoidable topic for the EU before and after the referendum. 10 years ago, the European Union was announced as a model of democracies in the 21 century, now the future of the EU is unclear. In the mass of interpretations after the referendum, there is no consensus on what comes next: Disintegration of the EU or a new push to EU integration? Is a new world order coming? Is the referendum a symptom of the state of EU democracies? What will a “Post-Brexit Europe” look like?

Featuring: N.P. Xavier Laper de Caban, Ambassador of the Republic of France in Bulgaria, Denis Galligan, Professor of Social and Legal Sciences, Oxford University, Ivan Krastev, Political Scientist, Centre for Liberal Strategies The debate will be moderated by Daniel Smilov, Centre for Liberal Strategies
2016-07-15 21:56