In the framework of the project "Strategy for the Western Balkans through the Eyes of External Powers"
Centre for Liberal Strategies in partnership with the Ministry of Defence and Sport, Austria and the National Defence Academy, Austria
organised an international conference
Vienna Security Dialogues 2019 (VSD19): Perceptions on the EU Western Balkans Strategy
which took place on 18-19 February 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
In the meeting, experts from Russia, Turkey, the Western Balkans and the European Union discussed the priorities, persuasiveness and challenges of the European Commission's Western Balkans Strategy of February 2018. They discussed external perspectives on the Strategy - Russia's and Turkey's - as well as their priorities in the Balkans, and possible solutions for future action by member states to address challenges to regional stability.
Centre for Liberal Strategies in partnership with the Ministry of Defence and Sport, Austria and the National Defence Academy, Austria
organised an international conference
Vienna Security Dialogues 2019 (VSD19): Perceptions on the EU Western Balkans Strategy
which took place on 18-19 February 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
In the meeting, experts from Russia, Turkey, the Western Balkans and the European Union discussed the priorities, persuasiveness and challenges of the European Commission's Western Balkans Strategy of February 2018. They discussed external perspectives on the Strategy - Russia's and Turkey's - as well as their priorities in the Balkans, and possible solutions for future action by member states to address challenges to regional stability.