Money and de/stabilization in Bulgaria 1948 - 1989
Institute for Studies of the Recent Past, The Open Society Institute, Siela Sofia 2008, 340p
The book explores the “monetary policy” tools and two instances (in the early 1960s and the late 1980s) of macroeconomic stabilization during the communist regime. The study relies on the declassified archives of the Bulgarian national bank which shed light on the procedures adopted and on the mental/ideological barriers of the decision-makers. Their pre-1989 vision is confronted to that of the most critically-minded economists of the same period: this opposition outlThe book explores the “monetary policy” tools and two instances (in the early 1960s and the late 1980s) of macroeconomic stabilization during the communist regime. The study relies on the declassified archives of the Bulgarian national bank which shed light on the procedures adopted and on the mental/ideological barriers of the decision-makers. Their pre-1989 vision is confronted to that of the most critically-minded economists of the same period: this opposition outlines a facet of the intellectual potential available at the start of the Transition to a market economy.