The Program had one major goal: to discuss the issues in the region as security issues, determine their exact place in a broad security framework for the region and, thereby, advance a set of policy recommendations. For example, CLS was convinced that economic growth is unsustainable without a secure environment.
The main program objectives:
- participation in the formulation of a new Security Agenda for the region;
- mobilization of public support for the policy of regional integration;
- participation in the election debate on the future priorities of the Bulgarian foreign and security policy;
- informing Bulgarian public on the foreign policy priorities of the new US Administration.
The approach of the Centre was to treat all new issues in the region first and foremost as security issues. Incidentally, that frame of mind enabled the Centre to react quickly after the September 11 attacks.
Period: April 2001 - April 2002
Coordinators: Iva Krastev
Financing Organisations: German Marshal Fund of the United States