
2CU- European Union - a Union of citizens

The CLS is a partner in the three-year project "European Union - Citizens' Union", implemented with the financial support of the Erasmus+ programme. The project is implemented in the framework of the European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN), in which CLS is an active participant.

The aim of the project is to explore the state of democracies based on four criteria used in modern political science: participation, choice, deliberation and impact.

The results of the collective efforts of all the research teams of the project have been brought together in three publications: 'Direct democracy in the EU: the myth of a Citizens' Union', 'Representative democracy in the EU: restoring legitimacy' and 'Deliberative democracy in the EU: countering populism through participation and debate'.
A series of meetings were held in the framework of the project and the following articles were published:

Daniel Smilov, Efficiency, authority and representation (March 2020).

Daniel Smilov & Antoinette Primatarova, Uses and Abuses of Voting Aid applications (May 2019)

The publications of the project participants can be found in:

Direct Democracy in the EU: The Myth of a Citizens' Union

Representative Democracy in the EU: Recovering Legitimacy

Deliberative Democracy in the EU: Countering Populism with Participation and Debate

Period: October 2017 - October 2020
Financing Organisation: Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme
Lead partner: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium;
Partners: European Institute; Instituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Italy; Centre for Public Policy (PROVIDUS), Latvia; Latvian Institute for International Affairs (LIIA), Latvia; Institute of Public Affairs (ISP), Poland; European Institute of Romania (IER), Romania; Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOP), Spain; Centre for European Reform (CER), United Kingdom; Carnegie Europe, Belgium; German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Germany; Austrian Society for European Politics (OGfE), Austria; Institute for International Relations Prague (IIR), Czech Republic; Think Tank Europe, Denmark; Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Greece; WiseEuropa, Poland; Elkano Royal Institute, Spain; Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), Slovakia; the Finish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), Finland.
The project partners are part of EPIN - European Policy Institutes Network.
2021-10-04 12:00 Political Studies European Union