
The Constitutional Politics of Socio-Economic Rights: Proceduralism, ‘Writ Large’

Foundation for Law, Justice and Society in collaboration with the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford

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The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society was established in Oxford in 2005.
It has three principal objectives:
to study and reflect on the role of law in international, regional, and national affairs;
to identify issues of contemporary interest and importance for detailed study;
to inform policy by making the work of researchers and scholars more accessible to practitioners, whether in government, business, or the law
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Adjudicating Socio-Economic Rights

These reports and policy briefs document the lecture and presentations at a conference that brought together our Social Contract and Courts programmes to examine the role that courts can play in shaping socio-economic rights.
The report describes the South African experience, as related by Chief Justice Pius Langa, in which socio-economic rights are succesfully enshrined in the constitution and upheld by constitutional courts. Other areas covered by the policy briefs include the effect of international human rights treaties on socio-economic rights legislation, constitutional socio-economic rights in Central Europe, and court involvement in upholding the right to health and the right to housing.

Contributors: Daniel Butt, Geraldine Van Bueren, Paul Hunt, Rajat Khosla, Wojciech Sadurski, Richard Clary, Daniel Smilov

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