The (Im)Mobility Catch: Mobile People versus Static Institutions
Research consortium: Centre for Liberal Strategies and RiskMonitor The original vision of а united Europe emphasizes mobility as a norm rather than an exception. Yet, national and Union level policies lag behind in the creation of public institutions for mobile citizens and remain focused mainly on settled populations. While this may be warranted with respect to the more affluent mobile citizens, the present situation has created grave challenges for those with fewer economic and symbolic resources. In this context the Roma and their families (especially the children-in-mobility) are exposed to multiple exclusions, both as Roma and as mobile workers. The aim of the project is to shift policies towards mobility as a basis for a new kind of equal opportunity. Such major policy shift can (and we believe should) start from the local level and should be based on feasible policy research. Thus we will focus our efforts on the case of Bulgaria, aiming to analyse the barriers and opportunities that children-in-mobility experience in regard to education. Our goal is to propose policies for education-in-mobility as a first step to develop new mobility-based policy framework that can overcome the risks of mobility and can support it as a tool for social empowerment The research is conducted in Schumen and Blagoevgrad in partnership with Iskra Foundation, Schumen and LIDER, Blagoevgrad. Read the full text of the report (in Bulgarian).
Period: July 2014 - July 2015
Financing Organisations: Think Tank Fund - Open Society Foundations