It is based on a methodology developed in the Netherlands where it gained great popularity before spreading widely throughout Europe. This tool enables people to rationally consider the closeness of their political preferences to the platforms of different parties. For the May 2014 European Parliament elections the instrument was developed for 14 EU member states and allowed for a comparison of parties’ positions from all 14 countries.
For its part, the Glasosleditel project aims to familiarize voters with the way parties in the outgoing parliament have voted on specific issues, themes and policies of high societal importance. The methodology of GlasoSleditel is the idea and development of the Centre for Liberal Strategies and has been used by several of our European partners in their countries. It enables people to check which parliamentary group voted in the outgoing Parliament in a manner closest to their personal preferences, or figuratively speaking, who are the MPs that truly represented them. Unfortunately, the team of GlasoSleditel could not decide on a sufficient number of important enough voting occasions in order to operationalize the instrument due to the short mandate and almost permanent lack of quorum in the outgoing 42nd National Assembly. The hope remains that this will be possible again in the case of the upcoming 43rd National Assembly.
Our partner in this edition of Glasovoditel / Glasosleditel is the Bulgarian School of Politics "Dimitry Panitza".
Our main media partner is BNT with the particularly close cooperation of the "Referendum" TV show and its team.
Period: Ocrober 2014 - December 2014