
Populism, Courts, and the Rule of Law: A Policy Brief

a publication of the Foundation for Law, Justice and Society in collaboration with the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford

See the full text of Daniel Smilov's policy briefs for FLJS at the links below:

Courts and the Making of Public Policy publications
Policy briefs and reports
Democracy, the Courts, and the Making of Public Policy
Contributors: Daniel Butt, Martin Shapiro, Daniel Smilov, Vernon Bogdanor, R. Shep Melnick, D. J. Galligan
The Courts and Social Policy in the United States
Contributors: Daniel Butt, Peter Edelman, Judith Resnik, David Graham
Adjudicating Socio-Economic Rights
Contributors: Danel Butt, Geraldine van Bueren, Paul Hunt, Rajat khosla, Wojciech Sadurski, Richard Clary, Daniel Smilov

2007-12-31 14:55 Books and Articles