Проектът „Периферия в риск“ се опира на опита на успешно реализирания от същите организации през 2012-2013 г. проект „Европа в риск“.
Серията от дискусии включваше:
- ЕС, Русия и Турция - тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността в периферията (17-19 юни 2013)
- ЕС, Русия и Турция - тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността на Балканите (23 - 25 септември 2013)
- Близкият Изток: Чести рискове и/или стратегически възможности. Погледът на факторите в региона (26 - 27 ноември 2013)
- ЕС, Русия и Турция - тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността в периферията (13 - 14 февруари 2014)
Семинар I
ЕС, Русия и Турция – тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността в периферията
17-19 юни 2013
Публична дискусия: Балкани - Близък Изток: предизвикателства, кошмари и надежди
Сесия 1: Общи политики за Близкия Изток - тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността
Сесия 2: Общи политики за Балканите - тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността
Дискусия: ЕС, Русия и Турция – тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността в периферията
Участници: Alexander Rondos, EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa; Ali Tekin, Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations, Yaşar University, Izmir, Turkey; Anna Ganeva, Executive Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Antoinette Primatarova, Programme Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Avraham Burg, Israeli author and political activist, former Speaker of the House, Jerusalem; Can Kasapoğlu, Research Fellow, Center for Economic and Foreign Policy Studies EDAM; Dimitar Bechev, Senior Policy Fellow and Head of the Sofia office, European Council on Foreign Relations; Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies; Permanent Fellow IWM; Johanna Deimel, Deputy-Director Southeast Europe Association, Munich; Joseph Bahout, Professor of Middle Eastern Politics at Sciences Po, Paris, and a researcher at Académie Diplomatique Internationale; Peter Stegny, former Russian ambassador to Turkey and Israel; Pavel Shlykov, Associate Professor, Middle Eastern History Department, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University; Stefan Lehne, expert on European foreign policy and international security, visiting scholar, Carnegie Europe, Brussels; Timofei Bordachev, Deputy Dean, Director, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
Семинар II
ЕС, Русия и Турция – тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността на Балканите
23-25 септември 2013
Публична дискусия: Кошмари, мечти и предизвикателства пред сигурността на Балканите.
Сесия 1: Тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността – поглед от Балканите
Сесия 2: Тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността – поглед от ЕС
Сесия 3: Тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността – поглед от Русия и Турция
Дискусия: ЕС, Русия и Турция – тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността на Балканите
Участници: Anna Ganeva, Executive Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Bernhard Bair, Lieutenant General, Director for Security Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports; Daria Khaspekova, Program coordinator, Russian International Affairs Council, Russia; Dimitar Bechev, Senior Policy Fellow and Head of the Sofia office, European Council on Foreign Relations; Ergun Fevzi Doruk, Research Assistant, Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), Turkey; Erion Veliaj, Minister of Social Welfare and Youth, Albania; Gerald Knaus, Director, European Stability Initiative; Gertraud Auer Borea d'Olmo, Secretary General, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue; Heidemaria Gürer, Head of the Western Balkan and Eastern Europe department, Austrian MFA, former ambassador of Austria to Ankara; Helfried Carl, office of the President of the Austrian National Assembly; Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies; Permanent Fellow IWM; Johanna Deimel, Deputy-Director Southeast Europe Association, Munich; Kamer Kasim, Vice President of International Strategic Research Organization (ISRO-USAK), Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Abant Izzet Baysal University; Marius Calligaris, National Defence Academy Vienna, former Ambassador of Austria to Ankara; Milica Delevic, Deputy Secretary General, European Bank for Research and Development; Natalia Burlinova, President, Public Initiative “Creative Diplomacy” (PICREADI); Program Director, Gorchakov Foundation, Russia; Nathalie Tocci, Deputy Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali; Serhat Güvenç, Associate Professor of International Relations, Kadir Has University, Turkey; Vessela Tcherneva, Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations; Veton Surroi, Publisher of Koha Ditore, Kosovo's Largest Albanian-Language Newspaper; Wim Van Meurs, Associate Professor of European History and Politics in the Political History Department, Radboud University Nijmegen.
Семинар III
Близкия Изток: Чести рискове и/или стратегически възможности. Погледът на факторите в региона.
26-27 ноември 2013
Сесия 1: Рискове, възможности и стратегически ограничения I: регионални перспективи
Сесия 2: Рискове, възможности и стратегически ограничения II: ЕС перспективи
Сесия 3: Сирия: Възелът на регионалните борби
Публична дискусия: Близкият Изток: Къде е/беше райската градина? Чести рискове и/или стратегически възможности
Сесия 4: Рискове, възможности и стратегически ограничения III: поглед от Русия и САЩ
Сесия 5: Карта на общия интерес: към стабилизация на региона
Участници: Ahmet K. Han, Associate Professor of International Relations, Kadir Has University; Alia Malek, Senior Staff Writer, Al Jazeera America; Alia Moubayed, Head of Research for the Middle East and North Africa, Barclays Bank; Anna Ganeva, Executive Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Ashraf Khalil, Egyptian-American Journalist and Author; Avraham Burg, Former Member and Speaker of the Knesset and Senior Fellow at Kreisky Forum; Bernardino Leon, European Union Special Representative for the Southern Mediterranean region; Christian Berger, Director for Middle East at European External Action Service; Daniel Levy, Director Middle East and North Africa Programme, European Council on Foreign Relations; Efraim Halevy, Lawyer and an Israeli Intelligence Expert; Ellie Geranmayeh, Visiting Fellow at European Council on Foreign Relations; Emir Polat Öğün, Office of Prime Minister of Turkey; Fawaz Gerges, Professor of Middle Eastern politics and International Relations, London School of Economics; Florence Gaub, Senior Analyst, EU Institute for Security Studies; Gertraud Auer Borea d'Olmo, Secretary General, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue; Gholamali Khoshroo, Senior Editor of the Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Islam; Former Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs, Islamic Republic Iran; Gudrun Harrer, Senior Editor, Der Standard; Helen Gale, Middle East and North Africa Programme, European Council of Foreign Relations; Jamal Khashoggi, Journalist, columnist, author, and general manager of the Al Arab News Channel; Joseph Bahout, Professor and Research Associate, Sciences Po-Paris; Consultant Policy Planning Unit, French MFA; Julien Barnes-Dacey, Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations; Khalid Almezaini, Assistant Professor, Qatar University; Louise Körnung, Political Advisor to the European Union Special Representative for the Southern Mediterranean region; Luay Al-Khatteeb, Founder and Director, Iraq Energy Institute; Mahmood Sariolghalam, Professor of International Relations, National University of Iran, Tehran; Mark Leonard, Co-Founder and Director, European Council on Foreign Relations; Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General, Palestinian National Initiative; Myriam Benraad, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and Associate Fellow at the Center for International Studies and Research (CERI), Sciences-Po Paris; Nawaf Obaid, Senior Fellow, King Faisal Center, Riyadh; Visiting Fellow, Belfer Center, Harvard University;Nina Khrushcheva, Professor for international relations at New School New York; Nuh Yilmaz, Office of Prime Minister of Turkey; Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor, University of Maryland and Board Member of the Council on Foreign Relations; Sinan Ülgen, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe; Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies EDAM; Taha Özhan, President, Foundation for the Political, Economic, and Social Research SETA; Veniamin Popov, Director of Center for the Partnership of Civilizations, Moscow State Institute of International Relations; Vessela Tcherneva, Programme Director, European Council on Foreign Relations; Walter Posch, Senior Associate, The Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik; Zena Ali-Ahmad, Country Director in Jordan, UNDP
Семинар IV
ЕС, Русия и Турция – тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността в периферията
13-14 февруари 2014
Сесия 1: ЕС, Русия и Турция – тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността в периферията
Сесия 2: Общи политики за Балканите - тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността
Сесия 3: Общи политики за Близкия Изток - тенденции и предизвикателства пред сигурността
Публична дискусия: Кризата в Украйна – за момента в застой?
Дискусия: Как да стабилизираме периферията на Европа?
Участници: Adrian Karatnycky, founder and Managing Partner of the Myrmidon Group LLC; former President and CEO of Freedom House; Anna Ganeva, Executive Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Avraham Burg, Former Member and Speaker of the Knesset and Senior Fellow at Kreisky Forum; Bernardino Leon, European Union Special Representative for the Southern Mediterranean region; Bernhard Bair, Lieutenant General, Director for Security Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports;Biljana Dakic Djordjevic, Senior Program Officer, Balkan Trust for Democracy; Celine Bayer, assistant to Hannes Swoboda; Fiona McIlwham, Senior Adviser to the Director-General of Enlargement in the European Commission, former UK Ambassador to Albania; Georg Lennkh, Member of the Board, Bruno Kreisky Forum; Gertraud Auer Borea d'Olmo, Secretary General, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue; Goran Svilanovic, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council, Sarajevo; Gudrun Harrer, Senior Editor, Der Standard; Helfried Carl, office of the President of the Austrian National Assembly; Heidemaria Gürer, Head of the Western Balkan and Eastern Europe department, Austrian MFA, former ambassador of Austria to Ankara; Hannes Swoboda, Chair, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament; Inna Berezkina, Programme Coordinator, Moscow School of Civic Education; Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies; Permanent Fellow IWM; Jamal Kashoggi, Journalist, columnist, author, and general manager of the Al Arab News Channel; Johanna Deimel, Deputy-Director Southeast Europe Association, Munich; Mahmood Sariolghalam, Professor of International Relations, National University of Iran, Tehran; Maxim Trudolubov, Opinion Page Editor and columnist, Vedomosti ; Associate Director, Center for New Media and Society at the New Economic School, Moscow; Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General, Palestinian National Initiative; Nina Khrushcheva, Professor for international relations at New School New York; Ognyan Minchev, Director, Institute for Regional and International Studies, Sofia; Sinan Ülgen, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe; Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies EDAM; Soli Ozel, Professor Kadir Has University, Turkey; Vessela Tcherneva, Programme Director, European Council on Foreign Relations; Veton Surroi, Founder of Koha Ditore, Kosovo's Largest Albanian-Language Newspaper; Zoltán Martinusz, Director for Enlargement, Security, Civil Protection and FAC Support in the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU
Представяне на доклада
European Security in a World of Geopolitical Upheaval
30 юни 2014
Участници: Avraham Burg,Former Member and Speaker of the Knesset and Senior Fellow at Kreisky Forum; Anna Ganeva, Executive Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies;Carl Hartzell, Private Office of HRVP Ashton, responsible for Balkans and Central Asia,Eastern Neighbourhood, Russia, Turkey,PSC,Enlargement;Goran Svilanovic, SG Regional Cooperation Council, Sarajevo; Joris Van Bladel,Researcher, Research group Russia and CIS countries at Stiftung Wissenschaft Und politik (SWP);Sinan Ulgen,Chairman of the Istanbul-based Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) and a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels; Vessela Tcherneva, Programme Director, European Council on Foreign Relations; Wolfgang Mühlberger, Senior Research Fellow, European Union Research Programme, Finnish Institute of International Affairs; Zoltan Martinusz, Director, Directorate 2 - Enlargement, Security, Civil Protection, Foreign Affairs Council Support, DG C, Council of the EU.
Период: Април 2013 - Октомври 2014
Координатори: Анна Ганева, Иван Кръстев
Финансиращи организации: Министерство на отбраната и спорта, Австрия; Балкански тръст за демокрация
Партньори: Форум за международен диалог „Бруно Крайски"; Европейски съвет за външна политика