
Европа в риск

Като част от серията бяха организирани следните семинари:
  • Влиянието на финансовата криза: колко реален е рискът от дестабилизация и надигане на екстремизма? (Виена, 25–26 март 2012)
  • Рамка на рисковете пред сигурността на Европа в разгара на финансовата криза (Виена, 3–4 юли 2012)
  • EС в криза: как изглежда ЕС отвън? (Виена, 23 – 24 октомври 2012)
  • Рискове пред Европейска политика за сигурност и отбрана. (Виена, 21-22 януари 2013)

Семинар I
Влиянието на финансовата криза: колко реален е рискът от дестабилизация и надигане на екстремизма?
Панел 1: Финансовата криза и европейската политика. Ре-национационализация на Европа.
Панел 2: Доказателствата: изледванията на Demos, Chatham House, Political Capital и Counterpoint.
Панел 3: Поглед от периферията: Гърция, Португалия, Словакия, Унгария
Дискусия: Влиянието на финансовата криза: колко реален е рискът от дестабилизация и надигане на екстремизма?

Участници: Anna Ganeva, Executive Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Avraham Burg, Israeli author and political activist, former Speaker of the House, Jerusalem; Birgit Tkalec-Bekina, Bureau for Security Policy of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Defence and Sports; Constantin Iordachi, Associate Professor, Co-director, Pasts Inc., Center for Historical Studies, CEU; Daniel Smilov, Programme Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia; David Goodhart, Director, Demos, UK; Denis MacShane, MP, Former Europe Minister of the UK; Dessy Gavrilova, Director, Red House Centre for Culture and Debates; Ellen Riotte, Program Manager, Open Society Initiative for Europe, OSI – Brussels; Gertraud Auer Borea d'Olmo, Secretary General, Bruno Kreisky Forum; Goran Buldioski, Director, Think Tank Fund, OSI; Gordana Delić, Director, Balkan Trust for Democracy, GMF; Gustav Gressel, Bureau for Security Policy of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Defence and Sports; Ivan Krastev, Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Permanent Fellow, IWM; Johann Frank, Head, Bureau for Security Policy of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Defence and Sports; Jonathan Birdwell, Senior Researcher and Head of the Citizenship Programme, Demos; João Carlos Espada, Director, Institute of Political Studies of the Catholic University of Portugal (IEP-UCP) and Editor, Nova Cidadania, Portugal; Chairholder of the European Parliament/ Bronislaw Geremek European Civilisation Chair at the College of Europe, Natolin campus, Warsaw; Luís de Sousa, Political scientist, Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon; Marius Calligaris, National Defence Academy Vienna; Marley Morris, Researcher, Recapturing Europe’s Reluctant Radicals project, Counterpoint, UK; Matthew Goodwin, Lecturer, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham; Milan Nic, Adviser to the State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovakia; Milena Nedeva, Head Institute of Politics and Public Communications, Sofia; Nathan Koeshall, Senior Program Officer, Balkan Trust for Democracy, GMF; Nicolas Véron, Senior Fellow, Bruegel, Brussels; Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington DC; Péter Krekó, Director, Political Capital Institute, Hungary; Rainer Frank, Ministry of Defence and Sports; Rumiana Bachvarova, Head of the Bulgarian Prime-Minister Office; Sappho Xenakis, Research Associate, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford

Семинар II
Рамка на рисковете пред сигурността на Европа в разгара на финансовата криза
Панел 1: Характеристики на кризата – институционални, политически, икономически.
Панел 2: Кризата като риск и като възможност за ЕС: поглед от Рим
Панел 3: Кризата като риск и като възможност за ЕС: поглед от Варшава
Панел 4: Рамка на рисковете пред сигурността на Европа в разгара на финансовата криза

Участници:Anna Ganeva, Executive Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Avraham Burg, Israeli author and political activist, former Speaker of the House, Jerusalem; Biljana Dakic Djordjevic, Program Officer, Balkan Trust for Democracy; Bridget Millman, Program Coordinator, Balkan Trust for Democracy; Constanze Stelzenmueller, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund; François Heisbourg, Special Advisor, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS); Chairman of the IISS and of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Gennaro Migliore, SEL, Head of Foreign Affairs Department; Georgy Ganev, Programme Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Gertraud Auer Borea d'Olmo, Secretary General, Bruno Kreisky Forum; Gordana Delić, Director, Balkan Trust for Democracy, GMF; Gustav Gressel, Bureau for Security Policy of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Defence and Sports; Heather Grabbe, director of the Open Society Institute–Brussels and director of EU affairs for the Open Society Foundations; Ivan Krastev, Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Permanent Fellow, IWM; Jakub Wiśniewski, head of Policy Planning, Polish MFA; Jan Zielonka, Professor of European Politics at the University of Oxford; Janusz Onyszkiewicz, former Minister of Defence and former vice-president of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Poland; Josef Janning, Director of Studies, European Policy Centre; Lapo Pistelli, Chamber of Deputies MP, Democratic Party: Head of international relations and foreign affairs; Lucio Caracciolo, LIMES Director of Limes; Mark Leonard, Director, European Council on Foreign Relations, United Kingdom; Michele Comelli, IAI, Senior Fellow: European politics; Milica Delevic,Director of the European Integration Office, Government of the Republic of Serbia; Pavlina Filipova, Program Officer, Balkan Trust for Democracy; Paweł Świeboda, President, Demos-EUROPA, Centre for European Strategy, Poland; Pietro Battistella, AgenParl, Journalist; Stefan Lehne, expert on European foreign policy and international security, visiting scholar, Carnegie Europe, Brussels; Torbjörn Sohlström, Director of the Ministers Office, MFA Sweden; Ulrike Guérot, ECFR Representative for Germany and Senior Policy Fellow;

Семинар III
EС в криза: как изглежда ЕС отвън?
Панел 1: ЕС в криза - поглед от САЩ.
Панел 2: ЕС в криза – поглед от Русия.
Панел 3: ЕС в криза – поглед от Китай.
Панел 4: ЕС в криза – поглед от Турция.
Дискусия: Превръщат ли се тези гледни точки в политики? Какво можем да очакваме в близко бъдеще?

Участници: Andrei Piontkovsky, Executive Director of the Strategic Studies Center, Moscow; Anna Ganeva, Executive Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Avraham Burg, Israeli author and political activist, former Speaker of the House, Jerusalem; Biljana Dakic Djordjevic, Program Officer, Balkan Trust for Democracy; Bruce Jackson, President, Project on Transitional Democracies; Cengiz Günay, Senior Fellow, Austrian Institute for International Affairs; Dimitar Bechev, Senior Policy Fellow and Head of the Sofia Office, European Council on Foreign Relations; Georgy Ganev, Programme Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies; Gertraud Auer Borea d'Olmo, Secretary General, Bruno Kreisky Forum; Gordana Delić, Director, Balkan Trust for Democracy, GMF; Gustav Gressel, Bureau for Security Policy of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Defense and Sports; Helfried Carl, office of the President of the Austrian National Assembly; Helmut Freudenschuss, Ambassador, office of the Federal President of Austria; Hermann Lattacher (MoD) ObstdG Mag.; Ivan Krastev, Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Permanent Fellow, IWM; Ivan Timofeev, Program Director of the Russian International Affairs Council; Ivan Vejvoda, Vice-President Programs, German Marshall Fund of the US; James C. O’Brien, Principal of Albright Stonebridge Group; Johann Frank, Head, Bureau for Security Policy of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Defense and Sports; Johann Pucher, Major General, Director of Directorate General for Security Policy at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defense and Sports; Josef Janning, Director of Studies, European Policy Centre; Kadri Liik, Program Director for Wider Europe, European Council on Foreign Relations; Li Qiang, Professor, School of Government; Director, Centre for European Studies, Peking University; Mark Leonard, Director, European Council on Foreign Relations, United Kingdom; Otmar Hoell, Director, Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP); Robert Schuett, Austrian Federal Ministry for Defense and Sports; Selim Yenel, Ambassador, leader of the Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the EU; Shaoguang Wang, chair professor in the Department of Government and Public Administration at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, non-official member of HKSAR's Commission on Strategic Development; Sinan Ulgen, Visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels, Chairman of the Istanbul-based Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM); Soli Ozel, Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University's Department of International Relations and Political Science; Vessela Tcherneva, Spokesperson, Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Yvonne Toncic-Sorinj, Head of Department, Key Issues of the European Union, Institutions and institutional Questions, Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

Семинар IV
Рискове пред Европейска политика за сигурност и отбрана

Въведение: обобщение на дискусиите Епропа в риск I – III
Панел 1: Актуални инициативи на европейски организации за бъдещето на ЕПСО и на отбранителната индустрия.
Панел 2: Какво очакват съседите на ЕС и други ключови играчи от ЕПСО?
Дискусия: Бъдещето на ЕПСО – кои са основните въпроси и възможните отговори? Как да бъдат убедени политическите лидери и обществото?

Участници:Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council, President of the New Eurasia Foundation in Moscow; Avrum Burg, Israeli author and political activist, former Speaker of the House, Jerusalem; Caspar Einem, President Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP); Christine Poussineau, Defence Attaché, Embassy of France; Daniel Korski, Adviser to the High Representative; Dominik Jankowski, International Analyses Division, Strategic Analyses Department, National Security Bureau of Poland; Fyodor Lukyanov, Chairman of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, editor in chief of the journal Russia in Global Affairs; Gertraud Auer Borea d'Olmo, Secretary General, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue; Giovanni Faleg, Research Fellow at the Italian Institute for International Affairs (IAI) in Rome and Visiting Researcher at CEPS; Gordana Delić, Director, Balkan Trust for Democracy, GMF; Helmut Schnitzer, Head Security Policy Department, Federal Chancellery of Austria; Hermann Lattacher, Director of the Bureau for Security Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports; Ivailo Kalfin, member of the European Parliament (S&D), vice-chair of the EP Committee on Budgets, EP rapporteur on the mandate of the European Investment Bank and on cyber security issues. Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria (2005 - 2009); Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies; Permanent Fellow IWM; Jakub Wiśniewski, Head of Policy Planning, Polish MFA; Johann Frank, Head of Division for Security Political Analysis, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports; Johann Pucher, Major General, Defence Policy Director, Federal Ministry of Defense and Sports; Jolyon Howorth, Visiting Professor of Political Science at Yale, Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics ad personam and Emeritus Professor of European Studies at the University of Bath (UK); Josef Janning, Mercator Fellow, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin; Kazimierz Sikorski, Director of Strategic Analyses Department, National Security Bureau Poland; Krzystof Lisek, Vice-Chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, European Parliament; Kurt Hager, Director Bureau for Security Policy, Ministry of Interior; Luigi Vitiello, Deputy Head of Defence, Aeronautic and Maritime Industries Unit of DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission; Milica Delevic, director of the European Integration Office, government of the Republic of Serbia; Olof Ehrenkrona, ambassador and Senior Advisor to the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr. Carl Bildt; Reinhard Trischak, Brigadier General, Director Military Policy Division, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports; Soli Ozel, Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University's Department of International Relations and Political Science; Stefan Lehne, visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels, former director general for political affairs at the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs; Stephane Laurent Gompertz, Ambassador of France to Austria; Suat Kiniklioglu, Chairman, Center for Strategic Communication (STRATIM), former Member of Parliament; Werner Fasslabend, President Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES)

Период: Април 2012 - Април 2013
Координатори: Анна Ганева, Иван Кръстев
Финансиращи организации: Министерство на отбраната и спорта, Австрия; Балкански тръст за демокрация
Партньори: Форум за международен диалог „Бруно Крайски"; Европейски съвет за външна политика
Европейски съюз