
Европа в риск 2.0

Серията включи три дискусии: 
  • Нови парадигми за Европейска сигурност (24 - 25 ноември 2014)
  • Европа 2.0 (26 - 27 януари 2015)
  • Европа - убежище или крепост? Изправяне пред предизвикателствата на бежанските потоци (2 ноември 2015)

Семинар I
Нови парадигми за Европейска сигурност
24 - 25 ноември 2014
Определяне на границите на Европа - рискове за сигурността и възможни политически отговори:
Сесия 1: Перспективата за Турция и Близкия Изток.
Сесия 2: Перспективата на разширена Европа.
Сесия 3: Перспективата на Балканите.
Сесия 4: Военната перспектива.
Сесия 5: Надежди и страхове за сигурността на Европа: Санкции спрямо дипломация; дипломация спрямо конфронтация?
Дискусия: Преосмисляне на политиките за сигурност на Европа и нейните съседи.

Участници: Mahmood Sariolghalam, Professor of International Relations, National University of Iran, Tehran; Viola Raheb, independent consultant on development cooperation and cross-cultural dialogue; Ahmet Kasim Han, Kadir Has University; Avraham Burg, Former Member and Speaker of the Knesset and Senior Fellow at Kreisky Forum; Moderator: Gertraud Auer Borea d'Olmo, Secretary General, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue; Ghia Nodia, political analyst and President of the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Developmenr, Georgia; Maria Lipman, Visiting Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations; Anton Shekhovtsov, researcher, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London, junior visiting fellow, IWM, Vienna; Jelena Milic, Director, Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Belgrade; Igo Rogova, Executive Director, Kosova Women's Network, Kosovo; Johanna Deimel, Deputy-Director Southeast Europe Association, Munich; Gen. Sir Richard Shirreff, DSACEUR (tbc); Lt. Gen. Ton Van Osch, Director General, EU Military Staff (tbc); Brigadier Mag. Dr. Johann Frank, MAS, Büro für Sicherheitspolitik (BürfSihPol); Zoltán Martinusz, Director for Enlargement, Security, Civil Protection and FAC Support in the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU; Nina Khrushcheva, Professor for international relations at New School New York; Joris Van Bladel, Researcher, Research group Russia and CIS countries at Stiftung Wissenschaft Und politik (SWP); Vladislav Inozemtsev, professor of economics, director of the Moscow-based Center for Post-Industrial Studies; Walter Posch, Senior Associate, The Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik; Torbjörn Sohlström, Director-General for Political Affairs, Swedish Government; Stefan Lehne, expert on European foreign policy and international security, visiting scholar, Carnegie Europe, Brussels;

Семинар II

Европа в риск 2.0
26-27 януари 2015

Въведение: "Рисковете за сигурността и варианти на политики в ЕС"
Сесия 1: Вътрешните развития в Европейския съюз
а) Последици от икономическата и финансова криза върху вътрешното единство и солидарност
б) Възход на популизма и радикализация на обществата
Сесия 2: Как другите международни участници възприемат Европейския съюз?
Въведение: „Предизвикателства пред ЕС през 2015 г. във външната политика и политика на сигурността"
Сесия 3: Бъдещата роля на участниците в ЕС.
Въведение: „Политически и стратегически поуки от чуждестранни намеси на ЕС през последното десетилетие"
Сесия 4: Бъдещата роля на страните членки на ЕС.
Сесия 5: Бъдещето на Общата политика за сигурност и отбрана (ОПСО) - военната перспектива.
Сесия 6: Преразглеждането на стратегията на ЕС за сигурност.

Участници: Hannes Swoboda, Member of the Board, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue; Brigadier Johann Frank, Austrian Defence Policy Director, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports; Ambassador Pedro Serrano, Principal Adviser on External Affairs, Cabinet of the President of the European Council; Heiner Flassbeck, Director of Flassbeck-Economics; Aurelien Mondon, Lecturer in French and Comparative politics; Viola Raheb, independent consultant on development cooperation and cross-cultural dialogue; Helene Schuberth, Head of Foreign Research Division, Austrian National Bank; Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies; Permanent Fellow IWM; Emiliano Alessandri, non-resident Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the US; Taghreed El-Khodary, Palestinian journalist, editor at www.fanack.com, a chronicle of the Middle East and North Africa; Richard Gowan, Associate Director, Managing Global Order, Center for International Cooperation, New York University; Sergey Karaganov, Honorary Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy and Dean of the School of World Economics and World Politics at the National Research University-Higher School of Economics; Ambassador ret. Georg Lennkh, Member of the Board of Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue; of International Law Institute (Washington, Kampala); Chairman of the Board CARE; Shalini Randeria, Rector, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna; Angela Stanzel, Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations; Nathalie Tocci, Deputy Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali, special advisor to EU HR/VP Mogherini; Ambassador Selim Yenel, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the European Union; Dmitri Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center; Ambassador Walter Stevens, Chair of the EU Political and Security Committee (PSC); Colonel Sandro Calaresu, Military Assistant to the Senior Military Adviser, Crisis Management and Planning Directorate, EEAS European External Action Service; Ambassador Johannes Haindl, Ambassador to the Political and Security Committee, German Permanent Representation to the EU Brussels; Ambassador Alexander Marschik, Austrian Representative on the Political and Security Committee of the European Union; Zoltán Martinusz, Director for Enlargement, Security, Civil Protection and FAC Support in the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU; Ioan Mircea Pașcu, Vice-President, European Parliament, Vice-Chair Committee on Foreign Affairs; Ambassador Walter Stevens, Chair of the EU Political and Security Committee (PSC); Nick Witney, Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations; Ambassador Julian Braithwaite, Ambassador for the United Kingdom, Political and Security Committee of the European Union; Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), Germany; Ambassador Nils Daag, Ambassador of Sweden to Vienna; Ryszarda Formuszewicz, Strategic Analyses Department, National Security Bureau, Poland; Ambassador Gerhard Jandl, Security Policy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Austria; Maria Eleni Koppa, Professor, Athens University; former MEP, coordinator of the Socialist and Democrat Group on Security and Defence; Josef Janning, Senior Policy Fellow in the Berlin Office, European Council on Foreign Relations; Lieutenant General Markus Bentler, Military Representative of Germany to NATO and the EU Military Committee; Lieutenant General Guy Buchsenschmidt, Commanding General, Eurocorps; Major General Maurice de Langlois, Director of European & Transatlantic Security at the Military Academy's Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM); Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium; Lieutenant General Günter Höfler, Military Representative of Austria to the EU Military Committee; Col (GS) Thomas Fronek, Head of the Bureau of Security Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports; Jan Joel Andersson, Senior Analyst, European Union Institute for Security Studies; Yves Boyer, Deputy Director, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique, Professor of international relations, Ecole polytechnique, France; Ambassador Jakub Wisniewski, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the OECD; Sven Biscop, Director, Europe in the World Programme, Egmont - Royal Institute for International Relations; Visiting Professor, Ghent University & College of Europe (Bruges);

Семинар III

Европа - убежище или крепост? Изправяне пред предизвикателствата на бежанските потоци
2 ноември 2015

Заключения от предишните дискусии от "Европа в риск 2.0"
Сесия 1: Предизвикателства пред ЕС в областта на външната политика и сигурността от бежанските кризи.
Сесия 2: Отговорът на новата среда на сигурност.
Сесия 3: Кризата с бежанците и бъдещето на Обща политика за сигурност и отбрана (ОПСО).

Участници: Gertraud Auer D'Olmo, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue; Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies; Permanent Fellow IWM; David Hayes, Deputy editor of openDemocracy; Roberto Menotti, Editor-in-Chief of Aspenia online and Deputy Editor of Aspenia, Senior Advisor International Activities, Aspen Institute Italia; Johanna Deimel, Deputy Director, Suedosteuropa-Gesellschaft; Torbjörn Sohlström, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; Udo Janz, former Director NY Office, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and member of UNHCR's Senior Management Committee; Stefan Lehne, expert on European foreign policy and international security, visiting scholar, Carnegie Europe, Brussels; Christopher Caldwell, senior editor, The Weekly Standard; Nikitas Kanakis, Doctors of the World - Greece; Viola Raheb, researcher University of Vienna; Kristof Bender, Deputy Chairman and Senior Analyst, European Stability Initiative; Vessela Tcherneva, Programme Director and Head of ECFR Sofia Office, European Council on Foreign Relations; Ambassador Walter Stevens, Chair of the EU Political and Security Committee (PSC)(tbc); Christian Berger, Director for North Africa, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq in the European External Action Service (EEAS); Jakub Wisniewski, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the OECD.

Период: Ноември 2014 - Декември 2015
Координатори: Анна Ганева, Иван Кръстев
Финансиращи организации: Министерство на отбраната и спорта, Австрия; Балкански тръст за демокрация
Партньори: Форум за международен диалог „Бруно Крайски"; Европейски съвет за външна политика
Европейски съюз